Gift Set I Omija Extract Drink 100mlx30 | Mungyeongmiso Healthy Drink Juice Hampers Gift
Omija (오미자, 五味子) in Korean literally means “five flavor berries”. That’s because these berries give five different flavors namely, sourness, sweetness, bitterness, pungentness, and saltiness
Mungyeongmso Omija Extract Drink is a ready to drink Omija fruit that has a been known as a fruit that has unique-taste. It’s healthy, refreshing, and absolutely tasty. Omija give stamina and the ability to work longer and harder. They work on the body and mind, proving to be beneficial to sportsmen, students and office goers by providing top cardiac health
The Benefits of Omija:
- Antioxidant & Anti-againgDetoxidation
- Boosts Immunity
- Maintain normal blood sugar and blood pressure
- Speed recovery after surgery
- Prevent motion sickness or infection
- Improve vision
[Omija Miso] Omija Extract Drink
Size: 100ml x 30 packs
Ingredient: Omija Concentrate, Omija juice, Purified water.Packaging
Country of Origin: South Korea
Storage : Keep at cool places and avoid direct sunlight.
This one is gonna be a perfect gift for your loved ones!