Naturally Packed Jo Eun Green Apple Juice (1 box = 100ml x 30pcs) / 풋사과즙 (100ml*30)
Green Apple Juice
1 box = 100ml x 30pcs
Calories per unit: 49.3kcal
Volume: 100ml
Store in a cool place, avoiding direct sunlight. (Refrigeration is better.)
1. Do not heat or warm the product in a microwave or on fire.
2. If you have allergies or a specific constitution, consult a specialist before consuming.
3. Recommended intake and method of consumption: 1-2 times a day after meals.
4. Drink cold according to your drinking preference.
5. This product can be exchanged or compensated according to the Fair Trade Commission's Consumer Dispute Resolution Standards.
6. To report fraudulent or defective food products, call 1399 without the area code.